景丽伦亚洲集团有限公司位于香港湾仔轩尼诗大道22号,是一家专门从事声学材料与活动隔断门研发、生产、销售、国际贸易、在大陆投资实业的大型港资企业。经过多年的发展,目前景丽伦亚洲集团有限公司通过自主投资,在广东佛山建有国内最大型的专业生产基地,专门生产各类声学材料和声学活动隔断门两大系列产品。旗下主要产品包括:木质吸音板、木丝吸音板、聚酯纤维吸音板、软包吸音板、蜂窝陶瓷吸音板、隔音板、隔音毡、隔音减震垫、各类合成生态木等。 景丽伦(广东)科技股份有限公司作为景丽伦实业集团在中国大陆的全资营销总部,公司位于广州市天河区棠安路。拥有400m2的专业展厅。专业进行声学材料的销售与安装,并可提供室内声学咨询与设计、降噪工程处理等服务。其致力于推广的“景丽伦”牌声学材料和声学活动隔断门系列产品,是行业内的知名品牌,在消费者中享有很高的口碑。一直以来我们本着“为人类生活改善声学环境,缔造高雅空间”的崇高理念,在声学领域不断提高我们的产品质量和服务水平,使公司产品得到国内外诸多声学专家和众多知名装饰公司的大力推广,是许多重点工程的指定品牌,产品更是远销30多个国家和地区。我们在今后发展的道路上,将更加狠抓产品品质,信守合作承诺,与广大新老客商携手共进共赢。
Jinglilun Asia Group Co.,Ltd.is a large scale HongKong-founded enterprise,located at No.22 Xuannisi road,Wan Chai,Hongkong,which commits itself to acoustic products and movable partition systems’development,production,trading and international business.After long time development,Jinglilun Industrial Group Co.,Ltd.has it’s the biggest manufacturer in China,which only produces acoustic products and movable partition system professionally.
Foshan Jinglilun Acoustic and Decorative Material Manufacture is the production base of Jinglilun Industrial Group Co.,Ltd.,which located at the building products capital—Nanhai District Foshan City.The factory occupy more than 10000square meters space,and it has passed ISO9001:2008 International Quality Certificate,the products have all kinds of different test report such as CE certificate,National fire-rated test report,environment protected test report nd sound absorption test report etc more than 30 kinds in total.We have whole set of computer controlled automatically machine,professional technical workers to sure our products’high quality.Our acoustic products production scale is more than 400,000 square meters and movable partition system is more than 40000 square meters per year,more than 35%of our products re exported to all over the world.
Guangzhou Jinglilun Building Materials Co.,Ltd.as the sales headquarters in mainland of Jinglilun Industrial Croup Co.,Ltd.,it has 400 square meters showroom and offers the services of inside acoustic consultation and design,project denoise handling and acoustic producs installation etc.The company is promoting the brands“Jinglilun”,which is very famous in the acoustic industry,and enjoys very high public praises among the consumers.Based on the logos of“IMPROVE ACOUSTIC ENVIRONMENT FOR HUMAN LIFE AND BUILD ELEGANT SPACE”,we are always trying to offer better quality products and service level in the acoustic industry.And we have got many popularizations during the acoustic professors and famous decoration companies.Our brands are appointed by many major projects and our products are selling to more than 30 countries and distrits in the world.In the future development,we are putting more concentration on the products quality and keeping cooperated consent,improving and enjoying the profit together with all of the old and new clients